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Do’s and Don’t During IVF Stimulation

While undergoing IVF treatment, you need to understand what is stimulation and in Janam Test Tube Baby Centre patients are well counselled for the same. It is intended to mimic the body’s natural ovulatory cycle, where naturally produced hormones stimulate the eggs to mature and be released. IVF stimulation is done by medications or hormone injections to promote a number of eggs to mature at once for a higher pregnancy probability. Hormone injections for ovarian stimulation also help to improve the quality of the eggs. As the second part of IVF treatment, ovarian stimulation is commonly used for egg retrieval. These eggs can be used immediately or stored for later use. This process is mainly used for those diagnosed with a form of ovulatory dysfunction since it helps induce ovulation.

The Do’s

Prioritize good health for at least 3 months. At Janam Test Tube Baby Centre patients health is prioritize before stimulation. A healthy pregnancy starts long before conception. It takes about 3 months for spermatogenesis (the process of generating mature, functional sperm) to occur.

However important sperm health is, women’s prenatal health is even more important. The general advice is to start prenatal vitamins at least 3 months before trying to conceive. In other words, prenatal vitamins are not just important for fetal health but for your own.

Doctors and counsellors at Janam Test Tube Baby Centre keep a good counselling regime for the patients to keep them stress free.

The Don’ts

Risks associated with exercising during IVF

As always, it’s important to consider potential risks and to consult a medical professional before beginning a new exercise regimen. Avoid high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and intense cardio routines during an IVF cycle. Generally speaking, you should steer clear of activities that could injure your uterus or abdomen or affect egg production.
The IVF journey is not easy. Many steps cause a lot of stress and may seem difficult. All you need to navigate these is to be equipped with the right knowledge. Support from family and friends is also vital. By following these do’s and don’ts during IVF stimulation, you are set on the right path for chances of a successful pregnancy. Team of IVF experts and support staff of Janam Test Tube Baby Centre monitor all the above parameters for a safe IVF journey for it’s patients.